Community size

Community growth
Monthly growth

Number of users followed by your Social Profile

Number of times your content was viewed
Facebook: Page level aggregation includes both Timeline posts (public feed) and Other posts (dark posts)
Instagram: Post level impressions don't include Paid distribution. Account level aggregation includes posts, stories and other content targeted to custom audiences (ad activity generated through the API, Facebook ads interfaces, and Instagram's Promote feature)
Twitter: daily update for tweets published in the last 30 days including Paid distribution
Youtube: equivalent to views, including only the public videos

Organic Impressions
Number of times your posts were viewed through unpaid distribution
Paid Impressions
Number of times your posts were viewed through paid distribution (Ads)
Viral Impressions
Number of times your posts were viewed as a result of a social interaction
Twitter: estimated by analyzing Retweets
Impressions of @mentions
Estimated number of times that tweets mentioning your social profile were viewed.
% Impressions of @mentions
Impressions of @mentions / Impressions
% Organic Impressions
Organic Impressions / Impressions
% Paid Impressions
Paid Impressions / Impressions
% Viral Impressions
Viral Impressions / Impressions
Twitter: estimated by analyzing Retweets
Posts Impressions
Number of times your posts were viewed (organic)
Stories Impressions
Number of times your stories were viewed (organic)
Other Impressions (Ads)
Impressions of content targeted to custom audiences (ad activity generated through the API, Facebook ads interfaces, and Instagram's Promote feature)
Profile Visits
Daily users who have viewed your profile

Total number of people who viewed your content
Facebook: Page level aggregation includes both Timeline posts (public feed) and Other posts (dark posts)
Instagram: Post level Reach doesn't include Paid distribution. Account level aggregation includes posts, stories and other content targeted to custom audiences (ad activity generated through the API, Facebook ads interfaces, and Instagram's Promote feature)
Twitter: estimated Reach (including Paid distribution)
Youtube: equivalent to views, including only the public videos

Organic Reach
Total number of people who viewed your posts through unpaid distribution
Twitter: estimated value
Paid Reach
Total number of people who viewed your posts through paid distribution (Ads)
Viral Reach
Total number of people who viewed your posts as a result of a social interaction
Twitter: estimated by analyzing Retweets
Fans reached
The total number of fans who viewed your content
Paid Fans reached
The total number of fans who viewed your content through Paid distribution
% Fans reached
% Organic Reach
Twitter: estimated value
% Paid Reach
% Viral Reach
Twitter: estimated by analyzing Retweets
% Paid Fans reached
Paid Fans reached / Fans reached
Social Profile Reach
Total number of people reached by your Social Profile with posts and other media formats

% Community Reach
Reach expressed as a % of the Community size
Twitter: Impressions expressed as a % of the Community size

% Community Organic Reach
Organic Reach expressed as a % of the Community size
% Community Paid Reach
Paid Reach expressed as a % of the Community size
% Community Viral Reach
Viral Reach expressed as a % of the Community size
% Universe Reach
Reach expressed as a % of the Target Audience (Universe)
The Target Audience (Universe) can be set in the Social Profile settings

Opportunity To be Seen
Impressions / Reach

OTS Organic
Opportunity To be Seen (Organic)
Organic Impressions / Organic Reach
OTS Paid
Opportunity To be Seen (Paid)
Paid Impressions / Paid Reach
OTS Viral
Opportunity To be Seen (Viral)
Viral Impressions / Viral Reach
Gross Ranting Points
Impressions / Target Audience *100
The Target Audience (Universe) can be set in the Social Profile settings

Interactions / nÂș Posts / Community size
Engagement of a post: Interactions / Community size
Engagement of a Social Profile: Only publications that where served to the community (Timeline posts) are accounted for
In the curve displaying the daily evoution of egagement, each point reflects the last 7 days of activity
Histograms reflect the monthly activity

Reach Engagement

Impression Engagement

View Engagement

Engagement Rate
( Post Consumptions + Interactions ) / Reach

Profile Reach Engagement
Monthly Profile Interactions / Monthly Profile Reach

Reach Engagement *
* Average performance of any posts published during the analyzed period. Posts below Reach Cut Off are excluded

Impression Engagement *
* Average performance of any posts published during the analyzed period. Posts below Reach Cut Off are excluded

View Engagement *
* Average performance of any posts published during the analyzed period. Posts below Reach Cut Off are excluded

Expressing overall sentiment with an indicator ranging from +1 (completely positive) to -1 (completely negative)
( Positive items - Negative items ) / ( Positive items + Negative items + 0.1 Neutral items)

Positive items
Count of public messages labelled with positive sentiment
Neutral items
Count of public messages labelled with neutral sentiment
Negative items
Count of public messages labelled with negative sentiment
Analized items
Count of public messages labelled with a sentiment
% Positive items
% of public messages labelled with positive sentiment
% Neutral items
% of public messages labelled with neutral sentiment
% Negative items
% of public messages labelled with negative sentiment
Sum of Reactions, Likes, Comments, Shares, Replies and ReTweets. These Actions are accounted for the calculation of the engagement.

Likes & Reactions
Likes and Reactions on posts
Comments & Replies
Comments or Replies responding to a post
Twitter: Replies to other users' replies are not included
Shares & RTs
Shares on posts and ReTweets
Twitter: Retweets with comment are included
% Likes & Reactions
Likes & Reactions / Interactions
% Comments & Replies
Comments & Replies / Interactions
% Shares & RTs
Shares & RTs / Interactions
Interactions On Shares
Sum of interactions on shared posts. It includes Likes & Reactions, Comments, Shares.
A post can be shared by adding a comment or by cliking share on timeline (or a friend's timeline), share in a group, or share in a private message

Reactions On Shares
Reactions on shared posts
Comments On Shares
Comments on shared posts
Shares On Shares
Shares on shared posts
All interactions
Sum of interactions both on posts and on shares.
It includes all Reactions, Likes, Comments, Shares, Replies and Retweets

% Like
% of Like Reactions
% Love
% of Love Reactions
% Wow
% of Wow Reactions
% Haha
% of Haha Reactions
% Sad
% of Sad Reactions
% Angry
% of Angry Reactions
Post Consumptions
The number of clicks on any of your content
It includes Photo Views, Link Clicks, Video Plays and Other Clicks (for Facebook) or Taps back or forward, Exited and Saves (for Instagram)

The number of taps to see the previous photo or video in your story.
The number of taps to see the next photo or video in your story.
The number of taps to leave your story.
The number of saves
Photo Views
Clicks to expand and view a photo.
Video Plays
Clicks to play videos when auto-play is not activated.
Other Clicks
Other clicks include reporting spam, expanding to read a post or comments, clicking profiles within comments, etc.
Engaged Users
The number of people who clicked anywhere in your posts.
Unique Users


Reach Engagement (All)

Total number of unique accounts that have saved the media object.

Number of times your Social Profile is mentioned

Link Clicks
Link clicks originated from your posts.
Twitter & Youtube: Link clicks can be collected only via integration
Facebook: Page level results include clicks originated from any sources

Link Clicks / Impressions of your posts.
The impressions used in the formula refer only to the impressions of posts containing links

Link clicks / Impressions
* Average performance of any posts published during the analyzed period. Posts below Reach Cut Off are excluded

Video views 30s / Impressions

Video views 30s / Impressions
* Average performance of any posts published during the analyzed period. Posts below Reach Cut Off are excluded

Video views 30s / Video views

Retention *
Video views 30s / Video views
* Average performance of any posts published during the analyzed period. Posts below Reach Cut Off are excluded

Completion Rate
Percentage of times the media content is viewed through its entire duration
Facebook and Twitter: Complete views / Video views
Instagram Stories: (Impressions - Forward - Exited) / Impressions

Number of times that a video was viewed

Views 10s
Video views of at least 10 seconds
Youtube: estimated from viewers retention data
Views 30s
Video views of 30s or complete view (whichever comes first)
Youtube: estimated from viewers retention data
Views at 25%
Views at 25% of the total video length
Views at 50%
Views at 50% of the total video length
Views at 75%
Views at 75% of the total video length
Complete Views
Number of complete video views
Average time watched
Average time spent by users watching videos

Video duration

Public posts published to the community by your Social Profile
Twitter: Retweets with comments made by a Social Profile are regarded as Posts with Text, unless they are Conversations

Posts with simple text format
Posts with photos attached
Posts with a video attached
Posts with a link attached
Any other special formats
Public messages to respond to the community

Shares or Retweets made by your Social Profile

Other Posts
Posts targeted to custom audiences (dark posts)

Instagram stories

Private Messages
Private or Direct Messages sent by your Social Profile